ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ফাইনাল ইনভেস্টমেন্ট এন্ড কমার্স ব্যাংক লিঃ
International Final Investment and Commerce Bank Ltd Job Circular 2021
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Through aContinuous innovative process science 1976 will Built the best in-class platform of people ,Process Technology product and service proposition we are ready to become one of the largest and most distinguished Banks, both nationally and internationally.
We are a meritocracy based equal of opportunity employer, provider of well-rounded training and fulfil the individual’s dream.
We have Workforce with the highest level of professional efficiency and dignity. the workforce is smart but has the innate quality to deliver service across regions and to all income groups.
If you are ready to join the winning team then please reply.
01.Functional Position Transact process Service Officer
02.Grade/Rank Trancee Assistant officer (TAO)
Selection Process:
all the candidates will go through an Selection and requirement process.
educational qualifications and eligibility:
minimum graduate with no third class/ division/ equivalent CGPA with computer proficiency
. not over 30 years of age as on July 10, 2021
.Key Responsibility:
In the beginneing of the career, provide one-stop banking service as the face of the bank and sell banking products under a program of cross- sale and cross-founction .
Benefit and job prospect:
.Start with a cost of living bas salary package
.Enhance and retain the package through a rigorous process of training, a conducive Environment to perform Without any fear or prejudice and grow through a transparent jobs in evaluation process.
.Be the member of team with “Value- Based culture”
Job location: Anywhere in Bangladesh.
candidates, who are not ready to work outside their comfort zone, are strongly discouraged to apply.
The posting officers a monthly consolidated salary of BDT 28,370/- during the period of probation.
On Successful service of the bank as assistant officer and will be eligible for a monthly gross salary of BDT 35,990 as per policy.
If you believe you are the right person please apply online through.
https://career.ificbank.com by 10 July 2021
After complete of your application, you are advised to print or save the application after checking your given information carefully. If any discrepancy found,You can edit your application before the Deadline by login into the portal.
IFIC Bank reserves the right to reject any or all application(s) without assigning any reaso.
Any kind of soliciyation on behalf of the candidate will to rejection.
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International Final Investment and Commerce Bank Ltd Job Circular 2021