Pubali Bank Requirement Job Circular-2021


Pubali Bank Requirement Job Circular-2021

For those of you who are looking for a job, both men and women from all districts of Bangladesh can apply here. You can also apply here as per the recruitment notification. Thank you for giving everyone a chance to see the recruitment notice by sharing it on your Facebook.
(Visit our Facebook page for more details.)

Career Opportunity:

Pubal Bank Limited a lending largest private commercial bank with 482 online branches, 17 Islamic banking Windows and 31 Sab-branches with diverse and I want motivated workforce is inviting applications for the following position from the Bangladeshi citizens who are willing to build a career in banking.

Name of the post: Deputy junior officer (cash)
Number of post: 1075
Status: conformations will be giving after 01(One) year.
Qualifications: bachelor degree having no 3″ division/class/ equivalent CPA or CGPA in any examination. candidates having higher degree will not be considered.
Experiments: Mimimum 02 years of Banking experince.
Eployments: Gorss Salary 31,200/- tk per month with other admissible benefit.

General Conditions:
Only Published result (by the competent authority) will be accept. testimonial for this matter will not be accepted.candidates with foreign degree must have equivalence of foreign degree from University Grants Commissions of Bangladesh.
Computer literacey is a must.

Age Limited: not over 32 years on 31 August 2021. No affidavit in respect of age will be acceptable.
in house candidates are not permitted to apply.

Special conditions (to be noted carefully):
01. Certificate of difference examinations & job experimence submitted by the the candidates to the bank on will   be verified more the respective institutions.
02. Selected Deputy junior officer (cash) shall have serve anywhere in Bangladesh.
03.Proficiency both in Bengali and English is required.
04. Any incorret informations will cancel the candidature.

Apply instructions:
Interested candidates who fulli the requirements should apply online, link: with this Scanned passport size recent colored photograph & signature. After filling up the online application, applicant will get an applicant from with identification number generated from the system. the closing date for summations of applications is by 6:00 p.m. of 14 October 2021

Apply Online

See the recruitment notice below for details: job circular
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আমাদের সম্পর্কে: আসসালামু আলাইকুম, আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট এ সরকারি-বেসরকারিহ সকল প্রকারের চাকরির খবর, তথ্য প্রযুক্তি, ভ্রমণ ও পর্যটন, লাইফ স্টাইল এবং স্বাস্থ্য সেবা সহ সরকারী নিয়োগপত্রের তালিকা দেওয়া হয়। তাই চাকুরীর খবর পেতে ওয়েবসাইটি ভিজিট করুন, এছাড়াও আমাদের ইউটিউব চ্যানেলে জব সংক্রান্ত বিভিন্ন ধরনের টিপস, আপডেট কিভাবে অনলাইনে আবেদন করবেন সকল কিছু তথ্য প্রদান করা হয়ে থাকে সাবস্ক্রাইব, লাইক, কমেন্টস, শেয়ার করে পাশেই থাকুন। ধন্যবাদ।

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